Your content is the key

  • To knowing what the hell you’re doing

  • To attracting clients and projects that don't suck 

  • To growing your business with purpose


Hi, I’m Anna Laman.

I'm an experienced writer, editor, and content strategist. I help businesses communicate more effectively so they can get more and better clients, feel more confident, and generally kick ass. My specialty is working with successful small businesses that are struggling to communicate their awesomeness in a way that leads to the kind of sustainability they desire.


“If you've made the rounds looking for the right messaging solution, look no further than Anna. She'll pull the information out of you, help you organize it, and make sure the words on the page are in your voice and speak to your people.”

–Brian plain, certified financial planner


Website content audit

Get fresh eyes on your existing website. I'll analyze your messaging, copy, and content structure and craft a report that explains what's working and what's not. I'll uncover opportunities for improvement that will transform your web experience for your users — and boost your confidence in your own business.


Positioning consulting


What are you selling? Who is your market? How are you different? If you have trouble answering these simple questions, I can help. Together we'll dig deep into your target audience, your offerings, and your competitors to craft some concise positioning language that will act as the foundation for the rest of your marketing efforts.


Content structure and strategy

What should go where? This seems like it should be straightforward for a small website, but it never is. There are endless small decisions to make about pages, sections, headers, navigation, and flow. If you're stuck in the weeds, I can help map a content structure that makes sense.


Copywriting and editing

Maybe you've tried writing your website copy yourself but it's just not hitting quite right. Or you're staring at a blank screen and can't fathom how you'll do it yourself. Writer/editor to the rescue! I can pull stuff out of your head and write copy for you, or I can go to town on what you've already got. Either way you'll end up with a wealth of powerful words — and a huge sigh of relief.


Content marketing

Once your website copy is dialed in, the next step is nurturing your network through thought leadership content. Together we can create a simple, actionable plan for your blog and email marketing. Salesy navel-gazing spam? Not here. The point is to provide valuable, educational content that actually helps your readers — and inspires them to hire you.


Recent Writings